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петък, 15 февруари 2013 г.

Слънцето в профил и анфас

Alan Friedmans Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard sun science astronomy

Alan Friedmans Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard sun science astronomy

Alan Friedmans Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard sun science astronomy

Alan Friedmans Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard sun science astronomy

Alan Friedmans Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard sun science astronomy

Alan Friedmans Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard sun science astronomy

Alan Friedmans Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard sun science astronomy

Alan Friedmans Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard sun science astronomy

Alan Friedmans Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard sun science astronomy

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