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понеделник, 19 октомври 2009 г.

За справедливостта да бъдеш свободен!


6 коментара:

  1. Very nice blog.Thank for your visit.Very greetings from Switzerland.

  2. Thank you for Following me! You look good in your war-paint!!!!!:-)

  3. Giovani Pasini

    Obrigado por visitar o meu blog.
    Seu muito gostava de mim.
    Pela primeira vez, comunicar-se com um homem de Brasil, sem ter que acreditar Pelé, Garrincha, Ronaldo, Kaká ...
    Vai visitar regularmente posomeniyat link.

    Postais da Bulgária, Plovdiv - Philippolis-cidade dos macedónios, Philip.

  4. Azucena Rebon

    Thank you evaluate my blog and making a visit to me.
    Greetings from the city of Philip of Macedonia --
    Philippopolis - Plovdiv.

  5. Rinkly Rimes -

    This is an illustration of my thoughts written in another blog, whose link is in photography.
    Do you really think that they are Bulgarians and not Africans?

    Bulgaria is a colorful country but not in
    Africa and Europe.
    Forgive me, but the town where I live is Philippopolis - Provdiv and was the capital of Ancient Macedonia before 2300 years.

    Greetings from the successors of Alexander the Great!


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